Life skills and sport for us go hand in hand as sport is not only good for our physical wellbeing (our bodies) but also good for mental wellbeing (our minds) too.

Our Sports2life programme has 3 main benefits: Developmental, Social and Emotional.
Sports can really help children and young people to develop ways to manage the highs and lows of life.
When children are involved in sports games or physical activity games they learn how to lose, and they learn to understand that they aren’t going to win all the time. This in turn teaches children about disappointment and the ways they can come back from this. The experiences they might have from losing helps them to build a Determination and Resilience.

By taking part in sport and physical activity we release chemicals in the brain ‘Good /Happy feelings’ to make us feel better helping our emotional wellbeing. Playing with others and working as a team can build up a sense of togetherness and teamwork and help children feel good.

Playing with others in sport will also help with children’s social skills, the lessons learnt can be used in their everyday lives to help them be less selfish, to work together and co-operate with others. Through sport they learn about discipline, how we have rules and responsibilities to follow to ensure fairness and respect.

We use fun, games and activities to recreate situations in which children can experience some of life’s challenges.

WEEK 1- Introduction to Mindfulness-Our bodies senses and being in the present.
WEEK 2- Directing Focus (concentration, attention)
WEEK 3-Handling pressure (composure, calmness, stress management)
WEEK4 – Thinking team (collaboration, co-operation, building relationships)
WEEK 5 – Facing Failure (resilience, determination, grit)
WEEK 6 – Choosing an approach (assertiveness, taking risk, being bold vs
passiveness, playing safe and being cautious)
WEEK 7 – Cultivating patience (Discipline, Perseverance)
WEEK 8 – Practicing thankfulness (Gratitude, Appreciation)
WEEK 9 – Managing your body (Posture, body language, using the body)
WEEK 10 – Thinking ahead (Organisation, Planning, Preparation)
WEEK 11 -Dealing with change (Flexibility, adaptability)

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